Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Ranking atau Peringkat Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)

Ranking atau Peringkat 1 – 50 Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)

pix Ranking atau Peringkat Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)POSITION

583 Universitas Gadjah Mada
501 815 1,152 71
599 University of Indonesia
438 969 634 11
770 Institute of Technology Bandung
444 908 919 529
1000 Airlangga University
1,084 1,223 521 301
1004 Diponegoro University
558 2,477 1,780 15
1007 Petra Christian University
308 2,295 802 399
1010 Gunadarma University
646 1,510 686 486
1015 Andalas University
2,234 1,590 639 170
1017 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
1,029 1,506 1,883 41
1018 Universitas Negeri Malang *
1,958 1,495 1,080 83
1026 Universitas Sriwijaya
971 2,444 1,314 236
1041 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
1,647 4,340 1,952 21
1056 Universitas Sumatera Utara
1,633 3,049 2,546 28
1204 Bogor Agricultural University
1,830 1,075 1,530 1,204
1217 Universitas Islam Indonesia
1,565 1,707 3,556 232
1253 Universitas Sebelas Maret
875 1,621 1,509 1,628
1382 Unikom
1,845 7,698 4,173 22
1395 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
2,710 2,565 1,066 1,264
1831 Yogyakarta State University
2,539 2,316 4,662 574
1880 Indonesia University of Education *
1,516 1,081 2,356 3,111
1927 Universitas Padjadjaran
1,411 3,037 2,522 2,066
2167 Universitas Mercu Buana
2,882 3,244 2,569 1,847
2335 Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
2,336 2,465 1,622 3,842
2398 Universitas Lampung
2,229 4,309 1,652 3,408
2427 Bina Nusantara University
3,206 2,507 1,858 3,243
2587 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
2,939 1,313 2,220 4,382
2615 Universitas Hasanuddin University
1,626 3,414 2,156 4,382
2702 Universitas Negeri Semarang
1,591 4,414 4,323 2,646
2757 Brawijaya University *
2,321 4,688 3,669 2,646
2835 Universitas Udayana
2,837 4,757 2,711 3,179
2850 Universitas Riau Beranda
4,515 7,264 4,302 1,196
2949 Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
6,844 6,029 1,782 2,390
3121 Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
2,193 7,308 4,365 2,678
3145 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
3,121 10,549 5,385 1,312
3483 STIKOM Surabaya
6,560 9,743 7,392 555
3489 ISI Denpasar
4,626 10,824 4,770 1,461
3762 Informatics and Computer College Stmik Amikom
2,906 3,629 3,367 5,624
3878 Universitas Tarumanagara *
4,315 7,513 1,755 5,624
4127 Duta Wacana Christian University
3,957 5,171 3,041 5,624
4323 Universitas Widyatama
7,193 10,172 10,901 666
4337 Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
2,544 2,295 5,070 6,898
4416 Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
3,365 5,735 3,995 5,624
4575 Institut Teknologi Telkom (Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom)
2,007 5,717 4,714 6,898
4788 Universitas Terbuka
4,226 3,859 7,791 4,154
4802 Universitas Trisakti
4,810 7,386 6,524 3,501
4815 Universitas Paramadina
4,497 9,037 7,750 2,844
4922 Ahmad Dahlan University
3,847 4,062 4,477 6,898
4935 Universitas Jember
3,892 6,586 4,656 5,624
5475 Institut Sains & Teknologi Akprind
5,332 6,913 3,675 6,898
5724 Universitas Sanata Dharma
6,065 5,559 5,517 5,624
Ranking atau Peringkat 51 – 100 Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)

pix Ranking atau Peringkat Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)POSITION

5785 Universitas Pelita Harapan
8,322 6,163 12,182 2,229
5797 Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
6,593 7,557 5,803 4,688
5830 Universitas Surabaya
3,520 4,991 7,265 6,898
5883 Universitas Malikussaleh
6,327 8,088 5,425 5,068
6056 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
6,004 6,804 4,601 6,898
6472 Universitas Negeri Padang
5,854 4,158 7,372 6,898
6496 Universitas Negeri Makassar
6,992 5,329 5,621 6,898
6563 Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
4,428 7,730 7,113 6,898
6655 Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
4,880 8,032 6,681 6,898
6664 Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
9,710 8,882 8,005 3,318
6679 Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata
7,462 10,411 4,859 5,624
6750 Universitas Budi Luhur
7,053 13,020 4,701 5,068
6802 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
5,779 11,086 6,129 5,624
6893 Maranatha Christian University
6,713 6,003 12,918 4,154
6896 Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
9,272 16,042 9,969 1,536
6947 Universitas Negeri Medan
5,430 8,108 6,885 6,898
7019 Universitas Sam Ratulangi
7,003 6,709 6,328 6,898
7435 Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
7,064 7,139 9,365 5,624
7546 Universitas Al Azhar
7,647 5,765 7,866 6,898
7563 Universitas Darma Persada
7,568 8,853 6,109 6,898
7608 Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jakarta
8,001 6,109 7,411 6,898
7662 ABFI Institute Perbanas
7,032 8,910 6,811 6,898
7786 Universitas Bina Darma
9,472 7,419 7,427 5,624
8099 Universitas Negeri Jakarta
10,683 6,168 7,732 5,624
8253 Universitas Mulawarman
6,683 9,103 11,363 5,624
8295 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
9,169 9,320 11,915 4,154
8315 Universitas Bengkulu
7,097 8,767 8,642 6,898
8338 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
6,728 12,527 6,481 6,898
8359 University Dr Soetomo Surabaya
8,962 12,611 4,712 6,898
8394 Universitas Jambi
10,119 10,355 6,459 5,624
8514 Widya Manadala Catholic University
4,999 11,368 10,096 6,898
8692 Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia
7,842 11,682 6,834 6,898
8806 Universitas Bangka Belitung
8,591 5,581 10,900 6,898
8930 Universitas Islam Bandung
9,257 9,763 9,478 5,624
8940 Syiah Kuala University
7,532 8,344 10,522 6,898
8998 STIE YKPN Yogyakarta
9,541 11,902 5,745 6,898
9029 Universitas Narotama
5,854 13,359 8,551 6,898
9050 Universitas Mataram
9,671 9,839 11,734 4,688
9200 Universitas Yarsi
4,761 12,498 11,867 6,898
9217 Universitas Pancasila
6,824 9,320 11,875 6,898
9381 Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim
8,789 12,850 6,797 6,898
9491 Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
7,903 11,096 9,608 6,898
9678 Universitas Ma Chung
9,416 10,206 8,995 6,898
9763 Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
9,869 8,456 9,959 6,898
9777 Swiss German University
8,350 9,463 11,610 6,898
10039 Politeknik Negeri Bandung
7,326 10,754 13,008 6,898
10175 Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
8,557 8,150 14,083 6,898
10202 Islamic University of Sultan Agung
10,762 9,015 9,807 6,898
10250 Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
9,724 9,811 10,655 6,898
10291 Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan
9,107 11,215 10,562 6,898
Ranking atau Peringkat 101 – 143 Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)

pix Ranking atau Peringkat Universitas di Indonesia Update Januari 2011 (Webometrics)POSITION

10335 Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
8,023 8,470 15,261 6,898
10341 STIE Perbanas Surabaya
6,700 14,118 11,170 6,898
10341 Universitas Islam Nusantara
7,823 9,183 15,026 6,898
10360 Malangkucecwara School of Economics
8,760 8,910 13,827 6,898
10406 Universitas Borneo
7,489 12,444 12,103 6,898
10492 Universitas Negeri Surabaya
10,180 7,795 12,757 6,898
10523 Universitas Tanjungpura
10,228 9,463 11,162 6,898
10563 Universitas Pasundan
5,514 11,391 16,884 6,898
10573 Universitas Ciputra
9,778 9,153 12,401 6,898
10585 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
8,050 11,187 13,381 6,898
10620 Institut Teknologi Nasional
7,354 11,708 13,982 6,898
10686 Universitas Bunda Mulia *
6,774 12,707 14,030 6,898
10694 Politeknik Universitas Andalas
8,478 10,587 13,804 6,898
10704 Politeknik Negeri Malang
10,244 11,991 9,394 6,898
10738 Universitas Haluoleo
10,849 9,558 10,935 6,898
10738 Universitas Islam Malang
5,098 12,611 16,884 6,898
10857 Prasetiya Mulya Business School
8,742 11,844 12,504 6,898
10932 Universitas Trunojoyo
12,091 8,830 10,431 6,898
10932 Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
10,541 12,969 8,754 6,898
10976 Universitas Mahammadiyah Purwokerto
8,253 12,628 12,936 6,898
11069 Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia (Universitas Persada)
8,694 12,533 12,678 6,898
11127 Universitas Bung Hatta
7,446 12,108 15,261 6,898
11163 Universitas Djuanda
6,925 15,097 12,692 6,898
11191 Institut Kesenian Jakarta
13,190 8,991 9,629 6,898
11213 Universitas Esa Unggul (Universitas Indonusa)
7,326 14,223 13,252 6,898
11231 Universitas Kanjuruhan
10,913 13,095 11,664 5,624
11306 Telkom Institute of Management
8,591 13,095 13,022 6,898
11452 Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
8,493 13,615 13,090 6,898
11495 Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
9,623 13,058 11,832 6,898
11508 Universitas Multimedia Nusantara *
13,243 4,560 14,752 6,898
11533 Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
13,485 3,500 15,410 6,898
11554 Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing
8,253 11,801 15,903 6,898
11616 Universitas Islam Lamongan
11,430 10,506 12,268 6,898
11634 Institut Informatika & Bisnis Darmajaya Lampung
9,692 12,597 12,855 6,898
11683 Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
11,933 12,085 10,084 6,898
11712 PPM School of Management
9,121 15,246 10,908 6,898
11723 Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Teknik Komputer Bali
10,960 10,679 13,279 6,898
11733 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
10,614 9,957 14,679 6,898
11775 Politeknik Manufaktur Timah
12,666 8,882 12,629 6,898
11847 Christian University of Indonesia
9,893 11,558 14,466 6,898
11889 Universitas Nusa Cendana
13,077 9,207 12,030 6,898
11940 Politeknik Pos Indonesia
11,529 12,890 10,600 6,898
11947 STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta
11,752 10,916 12,582 6,898

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Westlife: No More Heroes Lyrics

When the waves are crashing down
Pulling you to sorrow
I will sail you back to shore
When there are no more heroes
Over under, near or far
I?ll be right beside you
Standing here with open arms
When there are no more heroes

And through it all
And through it all
When you?re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/no-more-heroes-lyrics-westlife.html ]

You?ll never be alone
When there are no more heroes
It was you who showed me how
Brought me back to glory
Through hopelessness and darkest days
It was breath you gave me

And through it all
And through it all
When you?re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home
And through it all
And through it all
When you?re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home
And through it all
And through it all
When you?re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home

When there are no more heroes

Katy Perry - E.T.(feat_kanye_west) Lyrics

[Kanye West]
I got a dirty mind
I got filthy ways
I’m tryna Bath my Ape in your Milky Way
I’m a legend, I’m irreverent
I be reverand
I be so fa-a-ar up, we don’t give a f-f-f-f-ck
Welcome to the danger zone
Step into the fantasy
You are not invited to the otherside of sanity
They calling me an alien
A big headed astronaut
Maybe it’s because your boy Yeezy get ass a lot

[Katy Perry]
You're so hypnotizing
Could you be the devil
Could you be an angel

Your touch magnetizing
Feels like I am floating
Leaves my body glowing

They say be afraid
You're not like the others
Futuristic lover
Different DNA
They don't understand you

Your from a whole other world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go
Lead me into the light

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch are foreign
It's supernatural

Your so supersonic
Wanna feel your powers
Stun me with your lasers
Your kiss is cosmic
Every move is magic

Your from a whole other world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
Katy Perry E.T. lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/katy-perry-et-lyrics.html

And I'm ready to go
Lead me into the light

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch are foreign
It's supernatural

There is this transcendental
On another level
Boy, you're my lucky star

I wanna walk on your wave length
And be there when you vibrate
For you I'll risk it all

[Kanye West]
I know a bar out in Mars
Where they driving spaceships instead of cars
Cop a Prada spacesuit about the stars
Getting stupid ass straight out the jar
Pockets on Shrek, Rockets on deck
Tell me what’s next, alien sex
I’ma disrobe you, than I’mma probe you
See I abducted you, so I tell ya what to do
I tell ya what to do, what to do, what to do

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch are foreign
It's supernatural


Boy, you're an alien
Your touch are foreign
It's supernatural

Need For Speed Most Wanted tips, cheat

Cheats Video
Cheats for Need For Speed most Wanted.
See the video: Cheat Video

Aircraft Carrier Glitch
This is a glitch that happens if you reset the car on the ramp.
you literally "fall" into the aircraft carrier.
See the video: Cheat Video

Bus Glitch
How to use a glitch in NFSMW to rack up tons of bounty.
See the video: Cheat Video

[Easter Egg] Porsche Cayman S In Demo
Input L1, R1, R1, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN on the Press Start screen.

How to unlock: Input LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN on the Press Start screen.

Burger King Challenge
From the "Press Start" screen, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear stating that you have unlocked a "Special Challenge Event" will appear. From MAIN MENU, select the "Challenge Series" option. Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose #59, the Burger King Challenge. Complete the challenge to be able to use all Junkman parts on cars you have in "My Cars". *** Before applying Junkman parts, press X in the performance parts place to get them as high as they can go, then apply Junkman to each part. By doing this, it gives better stat raises

See the video: Cheat Video

[Easter Egg] Special Marker
How to: Input UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN on the Press Start screen. Entry to the shop's backroom is now possible.

Slip Locations
I went through and found out which marker combos you need to pick to get blacklist pink slips.

#15 SONNYMiddle marker then any other one you choose
#14 TAZMiddle marker then any other one you choose
#13 VICMiddle marker then the left one
#12 IZZYMiddle marker then any other one you choose
#11 BIG LOUMiddle marker then any other one you choose
#10 BARONMiddle marker then the left one
#09 EARLMiddle marker then the left one
#08 JEWELSMiddle marker then the left one
#07 KAZEMiddle marker then the left one
#06 MINGMiddle marker then the left one
#05 WEBSTERMiddle marker then the left one
#04 JVMiddle marker then any other one you choose
#03 RONNIEMiddle marker then the right one
#02 BULLMiddle marker then the left one
#01 RAZORGet all your milestones and race events complete to challenge razor and get your car back from him. Then out run police and finish the game

Bounty Increase
Description: You can raise your bounty as much as you want and complete that part of your milestones.
How to: Get in a pursuit and then find a ledge (ex. on top of the buses at the bus station) go as closes to the end of the buses away from the up ramp as possible without falling off and without a cop following you up the ramp. Then sit there and watch the cops go crazy. It's better if your heat is 2 or up as the lower level cops will sometimes lose sight of you and you will cool off. At higher levels though the police will hover below you ramming into each other and everything else. This destroys their vehicles which in turn raises you bounty and length of your pursuit. You can sit there as long as you like but check behind you periodically just to make sure one of them hasn't gotten smart enough to come up the ramp. The highest I've gotten off one pursuit is almost 6 million bounty.

Straight Drivin'
Engaging nitrous oxide shifts the weight of the car and in layman's terms, your car will attempt to straighten out. Combined with speedbreaker, it is possible to take on almost any turn without an appreciable loss of speed.

UNKNOWN (demo)
The unknown demo on this site is for free upgrades, they are called junkman parts, they are in the back room of the one stop shop.

These codes are commonly used by the police. You should be aware of them of their meaning to know what to expect.
Information in this section was contributed by Atsuke.

10-4 Message received and understood.
10-39 PIT maneuver
10-44 Requesting Rhino (SUVs that ram head on to you)
10-45 Ram vehicle
10-59 Herding (police will attempt to lure you into another road)
10-65 Vehicle Box (police will attempt you trap you on all 4 sides while driving)
10-67 Spike strip
10-71 Requesting air support
10-73 Roadblock
10-75 Rolling roadblock
Code 1 Situation under control
Code 2 ASAP no lights or siren/ASAP lights, no siren
Code 3 Lights and siren

Unknown (Demo)
Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down at the main menu.
Please submit any information regarding this code.

Porsche Cayman (Demo)
Press L1, R1(3), Right, Left, Right, Down at the main menu.

Unlockable Cars

Ashton Martin DB9Beat #7, Kaze
Audi A3 3.2 QuattroBeat #15, Sonny
Audi A4 3.2 FSI QuattroBeat #14, Taz
Audi TT 3.2 QuattroBeat #15, Sonny
BMW M3 GTRBeat #1, Razor
Cadillac CTSBeat #12, Izzy
Chevrolet C6.RWin the game 100%
Chevrolet Cobalt SSAvailable from start
Dodge Viper SRT 10Beat #6, Ming
Fiat PuntoAvailable from start
Ford GTBeat #4, JV
Ford Mustang GTBeat #12, Izzy
Ford GT (Castrol Syntec version)Enter cheat code
Lamborghini GallardoBeat #6, Ming
Lamborghini Murcielago Beat #4, JV
Lexus IS300Available from start
Lotus EliseBeat #8, Jewels
Mazda RX-7Beat #9, Earl
Mazda RX-8Beat #12, Izzy
Mercedes-Benz CLK 500Beat #8, Jewels
Mercedes-Benz SL 500Beat #11, Big Lou
Mercedes-Benz Sl65 AMGComplete Challenge Series #68
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLarenBeat #3, Ronnie
Mitsubishi EclipseBeat #14, Taz
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIIIBeat #11, Big Lou
Pontiac GTOBeat #10, Baron
Porsche 911Carrera SBeat #7, Kaze
Porsche 911 Turbo SBeat #5, Webster
Porsche Carrera GTBeat #3, Ronnie
Porsche Cayman SBeat #10, Baron
Renault Clio V6Beat #13, Vic
Subaru Impreza WRX STI Beat #9, Earl
Toyota SupraBeat #13, Vic
Vauxhall Monaro VXRBeat #10, Baron
Volkswagen Golf GTIAvailable from start

Ram SUV’S for $10,000 in CASH
You need a good car and a good Nitro booster. Whenever you see an SUV coming at you, hit your nitrous and ram him head on. He should fly backward and explode, giving you $10,000.

Making Sharp Turns
To make sharp turns hit R1 (hand brake) + Square (Brakes) and turn left for a left turn or right for a right turn. Then hit nitrous to get a quick burst of speed.

New way of getting bounty besides the bus station trick.
When you unlock the Rockport brough ( you unlock it when you beat Earl #9.)
Drive to the end of construction site where you jump onto the highway and sit there until a cop comes. They will try to get you, but they won't be able to, and they won't get to you ever because you would have to drive into Rockport and into the construction site. Besides a hiding place is right at the construction site. It works.

Castrol Ford GT

The rear end
If you want to get cops to get destroyed easily,just bash them on the sides really hard with any car.

Free roam in one player out of career
Get on to blacklist #12. then go to the main menu and select quick race then select custom race. pick "omega" do anything for the settings pick the car you want. start the race go the opposite way around the track until there is a tunnel blocked by gates break them and keep going. look on your map your off the track. keep going and be careful not to drive back on. enjoy free roam!

Shop marker
At the "Press Start" screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down to unlock a special marker for the Junkman Engine part in the back room of the One Stop Shop in Career mode.

*POLICE RADIO CODES* -Need For Speed Most Wanted

These codes are commonly used by the police. You should be aware of them of their meaning to know what to expect.

10-4 Message received and understood.
10-39 PIT maneuver
10-44 Requesting Rhino (SUV's that ram head on to you)
10-45 Ram vehicle
10-59 Herding (police will attempt to lure you into another road)
10-65 Vehicle Box (police will attempt you trap you on all four sides while driving)
10-67 Spike strip
10-71 Requesting air support
10-73 Roadblock
10-75 Rolling roadblock
Code 1 Situation under control
Code 2 ASAP no lights or siren/ASAP lights, no siren
Code 3 Lights and siren

Need For Speed Most Wanted Easter Egg Marker!

How to get websters car
In the markers pick the middle one

Razor's mustang
These are the parts to to make razor's mustang

Spoiler:sport banshee

performance:all ultimate or you can choose

Paint:gloss 62/80 (black)
vinyl:flame 11
1# vinyl color:24/80
2# vinyl color:26/80
rim paint:#1
window tint:dark black

How to get alot of bounty in 1 pursuit
First get some cops on you in rosewood and get to the highest heat level and then go to the bus station and go on to the top level on to the ledge (the one on the right) and just sit there.You can get alot of bounty by just sitting ther and the cops down below are trying to get to you and they destroy there cars (after a wile) and dont go bak in to the station becaus then one of the cops will figure out to get to you and then they all come after you.one time I got 6,001,000 bounty and the pursuit time was 41 minutes long but oncer your at the station and the cops can't get you they are there forever and never leve (so once you are ok with your bounty I would leve the station so you can get away) this works best with heat level 4 and 5

Crash cross's car
Yes, you can, but you have to be on heat lv 5 and destroy it with a pursuit breaker,I got 200,000 bounty for it

Getting cops on you fast.
Go to where there is a lot of cars and pick one of the cars and start to hit it, after three or four blows you will hear a cop come on the radio and he or she will say "patrols please go down to this place." [or where you are]Then wait there and when the meter go tick tick tick then hit the car agin. Then run!

How to make jv car.
Buy the viper. body kits 3. spoilers 11/16 fishtail. rims bbs rs gt. hoods 23/31 eraser. max performance. paint costom 9/40. visuls body stripe 6. visuls color 1/2 49/80. visuls color 2/2 50/80. window tint dark lime. decals stock. numbers stock. gauges stock. roof scoop stock.

Ram for bounty
Hint: if you see a roadblock ahead, don't stop and turn around, ram it, when you ram a cop car you DON'T want to hit the front. go as fast as you can a hit the back, usually the cop will flip and if it flips completely over it dies. keep doing it until the entire block is disabled. This will work if a cop is coming at you and turns around and is side ways (if you get long enough in a pursuit, you might see a helicopter block if so, don't ram it, turn around and go away).

NFS mostwanted Burger King Challenge
At the Press Start" screen, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right if done correctly as is there would be a message in the screen.

A lot of bounty with no more heat than last exit from safe house
Evade a fairly big pursuit then let it save then reset your ps2 without going to a safehouse. this has ALWAYS worked for me.

Need for speed most wanted
If you are being chased by a cop look on the map and you will see a triangle. if you go to it there will be a gas station or some other things like biuldings that might fall on them

Free Syntec Ford GT on Quick Race Mode (Enter on Screen where you press start)
To get this TOP SPEED car on Most Wanted enter
Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down.

You'll win a few races with this...

Perfect Start
When at the start of a race or tollbooth rev up your engine until the needle on your gauge turns blue then you'll get a perfect start.

Police codes
Write This Down

10-4 Message received and understood.
10-39 PIT maneuver
10-44 Requesting Rhino (SUVs that ram head on to you)
10-45 Ram vehicle
10-59 Herding (police will attempt to lure you into another road)
10-65 Vehicle Box (police will attempt you trap you on all 4 sides while driving)
10-67 Spike strip
10-71 Requesting air support
10-73 Roadblock
10-75 Rolling roadblock
Code 1 Situation under control
Code 2 ASAP no lights or siren/ASAP lights, no siren
Code 3 Lights and siren

Having trouble getting away from cops?
Go 2 the baseball stadium and hit the sign and wait in the baseball field

Burger king challenge and ford gt.
At the title screen press up,down,up,down,left,right,left,right to unlock [I think] the burger king challenge in challenge series.

at the title screen press up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right to unlock the ford gt in my cars.

Super fast murcielogo
Buy the murcielogo
body kit-2
rims oz #1
rim paint #47

p.s. everything else is stock

Shortcut in the track clubhouse and lennox
When you are 47% in the track clubhouse and lennox you'll start seing a shortcut go down in you should be far from your opponent

Use a eclispe on vic with all peformance upgrades then you should beat vic

The lightest cop in need for speed most wanted and the hardest cop to evade
The lightest cop in need for speed most wanted and hte hardest cop to evade in need for speed most wanted is a corvette cop

Road block
When the police put a road block just go full speed wid nitros and the police cars that is blocking will all crash by the side

Max Performance
Buy any car, then set all the perfomance parts in the shop to Ultimate. Then with all the junkman parts unlocked (beat the burger king challenge to unlock), go to the back room and then get all the upgrades. when you buy all the parts your car's acceleration, handling, and top speed will be full to the top! (Even with th Lexus Is300)!

Free upgrades ps2 only

When you almost bust press start and reset your ps2 when you not have marker

J jhon james
Burger king challenge:up down up down left right left. on press start screen

Cool astin martin db9 on my cars
Go to my cars and choose the db9 and then press custimize
body # 5
spoilor-tuner carbon tornado
rims-racing hart multi c4
hood-djm hyde
no roof scoop

max it

paint 7th column 1st down in matalic
vinyls- body 7
color black
rim paint black very top
window tint dark pearl yellow

enjoy this 16,000,000 doller car

Best place to start a pursuit
The best place to start a pursuit is rosewood fire staition for beginners go to bounty on blaklist chose the second one on the top

How to get the mustang on the back ov da cover
Body 2
spoiler sport 9 carbon fiber
rims 5zigan 3
hoods 26
roof scoops 2

performance max it

pant metalic 44
vinyls tribal 7
vinal coulour 1/2 62
2/2 24
rim paint 1
window tint 19
decals windshield 9
rear window 9
left quater panal 14
right quater panel 14
custom gauges duno

When yousee a roadblock you may think hitting the engine will be totaled .Wrong ! Your most likely to get busted . Instead hit the trunk .Because the trunk is lighter . Witch will make them fly ! Trust me this really works I do this most of the time and I have only been busted once in the whole game !

Heat levels
Heat level 3 (State Police): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #13.
Heat level 4 (Undercover State Troopers): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #9.
Heat level 5 (Federal Authorities): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #5.
Heat level 6 (Cross' Street Racin' Unit): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #1 (final level only).

Game Demo on NFS: MW
After pressing start on the start menu go to options. then go to the far right and it should say trailers. press x and then click on "From Russia with Love" a box should appear and click YES. you have just entered the demo for a james bond 007 game

Recharging your speedbreaker
Drift as much as you can until your speedbreaker is fully charged

Tunz ov bounty!
Get a chase by the police,do as well as you can to get bounty,if you get caught.NO PROBLEM!when it comes to you being arested take out the controler and your back at the safe house once you put it back in, With all the bounty you had in the chase!


Real Nice Corvette C6

Body: Body 2
Spoiler: Sport: Banshee
Rims: 5Zigen: 5Zigen SuperSix
Hood: Trislot
Roof Scoop: Northwest Dual


Max Performance, (If you won the Burger King challenge), then check out, then go back to performance then put junkman parts on


Paint: #29 Gloss
Vinyls: Body: Body Stripe 6
Rim Paint: #54
Window Tint: Dark Pearl Green
Decals: Windshield: Bride: White
Decals: Back Window: Racinghart: White
Decals: Left Door: Slot 1: Arospeed: White
Decals: Left Door: Slot 2: Zex: White
Decals: Left Door: Slot 3: 5Zigen: White
Decals: Left Door: Slot 4: NFS Most Wanted: White
Decals: Left Door: Slot 5: Lowenhart: White
Decals: Left Door: Slot 6: Nitrous Express: White
Decals: Right Door: Slot 1: Apex Springs: White
Decals: Right Door: Slot 2: Castrol: White
Decals: Right Door: Slot 3: Comptech: White
Decals: Right Door: Slot 4: Magnaflow: White
Decals: Right Door: Slot 5: Nuespeed: White
Decals: Right Door: Slot 6: Superstreet: White
Decals: Left Quater Panel: Greddy: White
Decals: Right Quarter Panel: Venom: White
Numbers: 00
Custom Gauges: Glint: Needle Color: 4th Down: Lettering Color: 9th Down: Gauge Face Color: 9th Down

You now have a Real Nice Corvette C6.

Evade the cops with ease
The shop that has the cooldown spot in front of it (near where you raced Ronnie) if there is no helicopter chasing you go into it and wait for cooldown mode to appear and you should evade.

Buger king challenge for challenge series

Best car to choose for starter
The colbalt ss is a very good #2 choice but the lexus is 300 is a better one because it is a well balanced car. if you dont get tazs lexis keep yours because it can be a big help later in the game I beat up to #8 with it!

Unlock one stop shop marker events

Pinkslip locations for all the blacklist locations!!!
Pink Slip Locations
These are all the Pink Slip locations I don’t know if they are definitely all right.

#15 SONNY - Middle marker then any other one you choose.
#14 TAZ - Middle marker then any other one you choose.
#13 VIC - Middle marker then the left one.
#12 IZZY - Middle marker then any other one you choose.
#11 BIG LOU - Middle marker then any other one you choose.
#10 BARON - Middle marker then the left one.
#09 EARL - Middle marker then the left one.
#08 JEWELS - Middle marker then the left one.
#07 KAZE - Middle marker then the left one.
#06 MING - Middle marker then the left one.
#05 WEBSTER - Middle marker then the left one.
#04 JV - Middle marker then any other one you choose.
#03 RONNIE - Middle marker then the right one.
#02 BULL - Middle marker then the left one.
#01 RAZOR - You dont have to choose a marker you just get the car then you have to outrun the cops in the only heat 6! it is heaps hard

Destory the cop
When your running away from cops you know the cement gurd rails . when a cop is on your left hit on the side so it will hit the spin out of control and hit hit te rail. it should fly in the air .{better yet do it when a rino is coming it is asome!}

Special performance upgrade
Up up down down left right up down
at the start screen gives you one special performance upgrade at any shop.
this only works once for each profile.

Castrol ford gt
Tap in left right left right up down up down & you will get a castrol syntec ford gt

How to get a huge amount of bounty if u are a good player
If you get to heat 5 then cross will come after you if you manage to get rid of all cross's cars (it helps to get rid of them by going to a place with a lot of cars and never going on the side of the road because if you go on the side one or a couple of the poilce cars will get ahead of you and then they will stop and you will be busted so a good reason to go in a place with alot of traffic is that some of the poilce cars will get hit by traffic cars and that will slow them down alot) then you will be able to crash cross's car and if you do that you get like 100,000 bounty and it is really fun

Bus station
Go in the bus station get on the right and go on it and if the cop gets up there drive off and then reset your car and your back up there and the cop is not

Really easy bounty
Go to bounty then choose the first one called Rosewood Police station start driving go right to the bus station don't hit over the tower when at the bus station go up the ramp to the top of the buses drive on them make sure the front of your car is just over the so the police can see you can leave it there but check on it when you think you have enough bounty reverse then accelarate off the bus and evade the pusuit by hitting the petrol station across the road

Need for speed: most wanted.
Easy cash:
go to blacklist 9, earl and go to a drag race,
enter & finish the race for 1500 cash
and keep re-entering the race for loads of £££'s.

Super fast car
As soon as you get to where you can race ming go to the safe house and save the game then race ming once you get to where you can choose two things pick the first and second question marks if you dont get his car restart the game before it has time to save and try again/ if you get his car the first pick choose the performance upgrade where you get a junkman, add all the performance you can to the car once fully upgraded it will be fast enough to win almost any race you enter in to.

Tellin that a cop in immobilized
When you hit a cop and it flips over that means that the cop is immobilized if it did'nt flip that means the cop is not immobilized

Performance tuning
Hit the start button and then go to performance tuning. My car is at steering +4, handling +2, brakes +1, ride height -4, aerodynamics +4, nitrous 0 (in the middle), and turbo (supercharger) +5.

Toyota Supra
When you beat blacklist #13(Vic) Get the pinkslip (in middle or left 75% of the time). If you didn't get it restart the race or buy it (make sure you have enough money to buy and add performance parts).

Some black list cars don't have navagation!
Vic's car doesn't have navagation so when you are cooling after you evade and you need to go to a hiding spot your navagation won't work.

Get bounty lots and lots of tha stuff MUST READ
In the first area where the construction site meets the freeway where you have the big drop let the police follow you there a heat 4 and up persuite drive instop in front the persuite breaker let the cops bounce it the n drive to the lege and stay there then the cops do the rest they total thenselves an cross HA HA HA ha he killls you just stay there you could goo and sleep if you want and you wont get busted if the car falls that is

Raising heat level or pursuit time
To do this you will haft to be in rosewood. Go to the police station, enter through the main entrance. Go to the radio tower, which should be right in front of you. Hit one of the legs of the tower, and quickly back up. Police sould be on the other side of the fallen tower. back up just till it don't say busted. Make sure the whole fallen tower is fully in sight, (side to side) your heat level will be going up without moving.

Pink slip hints
If you get the keys to a blacklist car you shoud keep the car you can sell it if you want to but you can go to my cars and max the proformance with the x button if the car is slow sell it by kyle

"Burger King Challenge" and "Pinkslip Markers"
(up, down, up, left, right, left, right) - Burger King Challenge: This is a challenge, that will be located in "Challenge Series" menu, it's the last icon...when you WIN, you'll have "Junkman" parts for upgrade your car.

Pinkslip locations:

When you finish your race with the blacklist member, you can select 2 marks...
if you choose the right mark, you will get the car of the blacklist member that you ran with...:
#15 Sonny: Middle one and anyone that you want
#14 Taz: Middle one and anyone that you want
#13 Vic: Middle one and the left mark
#12 Izzy: Middle one and anyone that you want
#11 Big Lou: Middle one and anyone that you want
#10 Baron: Middle one and the left mark
#09 Earl: Middle one and the left mark
#08 Jewels: Middle one and the left mark
#07 Kaze: Middle one and the left mark
#06 Ming: Middle one and the left mark
#05 Webster: Middle one and the left mark
#04 JV: Middle one and anyone that you want
#03 Ronnie: Middle one and the right mark
#02 Bull: Middle one and the left mark
#01 Razor: You have to run with him, and win.

By: DanN

Get rid of Impound strikes
When you get an impound strike just reset the console and they will be gone.

Dont want your car damged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to the options menu and on gameplay and turn car damge off

Blacklist milestones are things you need to do to rack up your bounty so you can challenge the next person on the Blacklist. Check these out so you know what you need to do to increase your points. Once the milestones are completed, you must work on increasing the points. The best way to do this is to cause as much major damage as possible by taking out police cars, traffic, and crashing through shops (for example, the donut shop and other places you will notice in the later levels). Try to rack up as much bounty and escape before your status has reached level 4. If your status is already level 4, then choose a different car for awhile until the status goes down before returning to your preferred car. Once your status hits level 4, it is harder to get into Cool Down mode to find somewhere to hide. Avoid getting caught, as you will lose the bounty you have racked up during the chase.

Upgrade on ur car
If you are unsure which car is the best to use when upgraded, you can upgrade all the cars that are unlocked for free in the main menu. Go to "My Cars", select a car that is available, and upgrade it with the parts that are available. By doing this, you will not waste all your money in Career mode.

Bull's car
First buy the Mercedes Benz SLR Mclaren
body kit sock
spoiler stock
rims Ro_ja 2
hoods stock
roof scopes stock
performance ultimate
paint black
visuals stock
rim paint stock

Pink slip s
If you didnt get the pink slip say if it was the first marker reset the PS2 and choose the last one and if it was the middle one it will be the first marker

Help on pursuit cooldown runaways
Read this: if you get on cooldown mode let's say you evaded on level 1 it will be fast then each time you go up one heat level the cooldown mode will get longer so the easiest way to avoid cops while in cooldown mode in every heat level find a hiding spot as quick as possible!

Ford Castrol Syntec car

Bus station
When cops are after you go to the bus station and drive trough the glass and go up the ramp and get on the buses

Extream bounty and easy escape
Now if you want to get lot of bounty you have to go to the capus circle's [rose wood] second floor and distroy some of the properties and you will hear someone speaking when you hears that speak you have to get your car at the edge of the floor don't be sure about the cops to come that way the my only come if you have a luck if the cop see you than you will have to stay there for a long time it will be easy if you are in a high level I mant by heat level 5 but you have to be careful in level 5 because you wil see a black and with car I thing it is CROSS he come from bihind you so you have to watch your back too and there is a glith when you on the 4 heat level the helicopter will be stuck in the trees and if you wish to escape revarse your car till you are escaped from the helicopter

This will help you Guys !
Who says COBALT SS are sucks car, it's a perfect car with nice top speed, acceleration and good handling.

you guys just have to do this :
- buy all performance upgrade from engine to supercharger after you buy all performance upgrades, press START at the free roam or when race then chose performance tuning and do this tricks:
- For Nitrous move the slider to the right and max it. it will boost you car like hell but will spend more nitrous
-For supercharger max it to same like NOS it will gives you more power to run in straight line, but if you races in tight track with many corners move the slider to the left and max it too it wil gives you more power at corners.
-For Ride Heights move the slider to the left three times (-3) it will gives you a good handling.
_For Steering nove the slider to the right for three times (+3) it will give sensivity to your cars in words more handling.
-For Handling move the slider to the right for two times (+2) more handling again !

thats it now you have a new weapon to kill these Blacklist BIATCH !
if you PRO and SKILLED you can Handle this ride !

Chose a right ride
After losing from razor at the begining of the game you must choose cobalt, it's the best option to choose from. There is more, when you are ahead of any blacklist drivers they will follow your moves so move in front of the traffic like going to the side then go front of the vehicle at this time you have burn the tracks by using nitros that would make the blacklist drivers slow or should I say they would bump the traffic. So dodge traffics as fast as you can when they are really near from the behind that is. There is even important thing, beat baron and get his pink slip and never choose any card that does not have question marks on it if you beat any blacklist racers

Two Player Free Roam
Go to the race menu and select splitscreen. once there, select the circuit OMEGA or the 6th coastal speedtrap. in OMEGA, turn around and drive backwards until you reach a tunnel blocked off by a chainlink fence. bust through it and turn right after you get out of the first tunnel. for the speedtrap, got to the second trap and take a right. you should be on a path taking you off a ramp into a billboard. enjoy your two player free roam and be careful not to drive back on to the course

The spike on the road!
Get the car ...eclipce, max everything, get in a good pursuit....... THEN YOU ARE SHEILDED! :)

Need for Speed Most Wanted Hints & Cheats (ps2)
Need for Speed: Wanted Cheat Codes

Press the codes where you "Press Start" when the game is turned on.

Cheat Effect

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down Unlocks Junkman Engine Part

Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down Unlocks Syntec Ford GT

Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right Unlocks Burger King Challenge


Need for Speed: Wanted Unlockables
Unlockable Cars

Unlockable How to Unlock

Aston Martin DB9 Beat Blacklist Boss #7

Audi A3 3.2 Quattro Beat Blacklist Boss #15

Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro Beat Blacklist Boss #14

Audi TT 3.2 Quattro Beat Blacklist Boss # 15

BMW GTR (Race version) Beat Blacklist Boss #1

Cadillac CTS Beat Blacklist Boss #12

Chevrolet Cobalt SS Automatic

Corvette C6 Beat Blacklist Boss #5

Corvette C6.R Complete 100% of the game

Dodge Viper SRT 10 Beat Blacklist Boss #6

Fiat Punto Automatic

Ford GT Beat Blacklist Boss #4

Mustang GT Beat Blacklist Boss #12

Lamborguini Gallardo Beat Blacklist Boss #6

Lamborguini MurciƩlago Beat Blacklist Boss #4

Lexus IS300 Automatic

Lotus Elise Beat Blacklist Boss #8

Mazda RX-7 Beat Blacklist Boss #9

Mazda RX-8 Beat Blacklist Boss #12

Mercedes-Benz CLK 500 Beat Blacklist Boss #8

Mercedes-Benz SL 500 Beat Blacklist Boss #11

Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Beat Blacklist Boss #3

Mitsubishi Eclipse Beat Blacklist Boss #14

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII Beat Blacklist Boss #11

Pontiac GTO Beat Blacklist Boss #10

Porsche 911 Carrera S Beat Blacklist Boss #7

Porsche 911 Turbo S Beat Blacklist Boss #5

Porsche Carrera GT Beat Blacklist Boss #3

Porsche Cayman S Beat Blacklist Boss #10

Renault Clio V6 Beat Blacklist Boss #13

Subaru Impreza WRX STi Beat Blacklist Boss #9

Toyota Supra Beat Blacklist Boss #13

Vauxhall Monaro VXR Beat Blacklist Boss #10

Volkswagen Golf GTI Automatic

How To Unlock The Different Heat Levels

You will start campaign mode only being able to only
achieve Heat levels 1 and 2 (City Police). By defeating certain
Blacklist Rivals, you can then achieve the higher Heat Levels.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Heat Level #3 Defeat the Blacklist #13 rival

Heat Level #4 Defeat the Blacklist #9 rival

Heat Level #5 Defeat the Blacklist #5 rival.

Heat Level #6 On the final challenge (Challenge Series mode) and on the final level of Campaign Mode. Sgt. Cross joins in the pursuit.

To Unlock New areas to Race

Beat These Blacklist Racers to get newer areas to drive.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Camden Beach Beat the #13 on the Blacklist

Rockport City Beat the #9 on the Blacklist

Need for Speed: Wanted Secrets

Extra Money

If you start a new career with a memory card with Need for Speed Underground 2 file on it you get extra money when starting out.

Easy Money when You Sell a Car

Before you sell a car, go to a One-Stop Shop and reset all the exterior body parts (body kit, wheels, spoiler, hood, etc.) to stock. You will get a trade-in credit for the old custom parts and it will not lower the car's value when you sell it in the Safe House.

Perfect Launch

Watch your tachometer when at the starting line. Get your needle in the blue right when the race starts to get a perfect launch and gain some time against your opponents.


Need for Speed: Wanted Glitches

Skip police chase after a maximum possibility police encounter race

When you race any race that has maximum potential for police encounter, a police chase will ensue sometime during the race. After the race you will need to get away from them so that the win and money won will stay. To completely skip this sometimes tedious process after a race, wait until you see the "auto-save" icon at the top of the screen disappear. Once it has disappeared (completed auto-save), hit reset and reload your profile. The race will show complete along with the money credits in your bank account.

Change Race Options

When doing race events in career mode, there is a way to change the amount of traffic, catch-up on/off, and number of laps.

For example, there is a race in "Race events" in the blacklist menu. It is a sprint type race, and the track is "Seagate & Camden". Go back to the main menu, and select quick race. Select custom race, and do a sprint on "Seagate & Camden". Set the options you want (i.e. No traffic, etc). Do the race. Go back into career mode and do that same race in the blacklist menu. Those options you selected in quick race mode will apply here. You can have no traffic, and turn off catch-up. It also means if you have a 4-lap circuit race in career mode, you can do this cheat and only have to do 1 lap.

Pinkslip Awesome Help
I found this help on a different site, but it was completely reversed, so when I tried getting the first pinkslip it was all wrong. But here it goes, I think it will work for any system: (If this doesn't work look at: 2:)

1: ALWAYS pick the very first ? Marker. The pinkslips are always in these, and you don't really need the unique performance, visual, or part upgrades if you have an awesome ride that doesn't need to be upgraded.
If it is a Extra Cash reward, pick the ? marker on the far right.
If it is a get out of jail free, or extra impound strike pick the ? marker in the middle.
If it is a Pinkslip, is there really a need to have to strain to guess if you get it?

2. If this info does not work, I'm sorry. If you get the wrong markers, do not click X, A, Left click, etc to continue, restart the system so you get a chance to try and get it again.

Nfs mw ps2
Bmwgtr up dawn dawn up

Need For Speed Most Wanted Unlockables
From the "Press Start" screen, press the following buttons to unlock the following

Junkman Engine Part
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down Unlocks

Unlocksl Ford GT
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right

Unlocks Syntec Ford GT
Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down

Unlocks Burger King Challenge
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right

Unlocks Porsche Cayman
L1, R1, R1, R1, Right, Left, Right, Down

How to have more fun while still getting further in the game
Just go around getting bounty when you are stuck on a race or something and that way when you do win that race you will have alot of bounty and not waste time needing to get more so you can face your next rival.

Evading spikestrips
When you are on heat level 4 or 5 and there is a roadblock use speedbreaker and check if there is a spikestrip then evade the spikestrip

Going through cars
When you are near a car press select then you should go through a car

Unlock every car
Up,down,up,down,left, right,left,right

Get out car
Up up down down left left right right

Nitrous corner combo
When going into a tight corner, drift then hit the nitrous quickly to speed up really quick(warning! this sometimes flips you)

When you are at the starting do a perfect launch then hit your nitrous and you should be going fast at the start line

Making flips and spins in the air
This dose'nt work with any car but it works with a mercedes benz-slr mclaren,cobalt,gall-do,rx-8,supra,and a cayman s and to make flips and spins in the air use speedbreaker and your nitro at the same time then turn left and if you hit a wall it will make your car go higher and you should see your car make flips and spins in the air

So do this if you want to... when you beat a boss you can choose 2 markers, now all you need to do is get all the performance markers and once you have all of them (supercharger counts as a turbo) when you get a carrera GT put on ALL of the Ultimate parts then on top of them put on your junkman parts and yay your carrera GT has top performance in everything.

P.S. I do not know whether this has been published before.

Need for speed most wanted
On the game screen do up square down to unlock a cops car.

Crazy bounties
Want lots of boundies well ive got a solution for dat dis cheat is only 4 people dat unlocked
rockport its were the construction site is next ti it is and highway.

make sure there is one cop on ya so nothin can go wrong make sure your on da right and
the cop on the left keep driving until the edge until the cop falls down park your car
in the corner and let da cops do wat it has to do go craziiiiiii

Blacklist cars
Defeat the indicated Blacklist Rival to win the corresponding car:

Aston Martin DB9: Blacklist Rival #7
Audi A3 3.2 Quattro: Blacklist Rival #15
Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro: Blacklist Rival #14
Audi TT 3.2 Quattro: Blacklist Rival #15
BMW GTR (Race version): Blacklist Rival #1
Cadillac CTS: Blacklist Rival #12
Corvette C6: Blacklist Rival #5
Corvette C6.R: Complete 100% of the game
Dodge Viper SRT 10: Blacklist Rival #6
Ford GT: Blacklist Rival #4
Lamborghini Gallardo: Blacklist Rival #6
Lamborghini Murcielago: Blacklist Rival #4
Lotus Elise: Blacklist Rival #8
Mazda RX-7: Blacklist Rival #9
Mazda RX-8: Blacklist Rival #12
Mercedes-Benz CLK 500: Blacklist Rival #8
Mercedes-Benz SL 500: Blacklist Rival #11
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren: Blacklist Rival #3
Mitsubishi Eclipse: Blacklist Rival #14
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII: Blacklist Rival #11
Mustang GT: Blacklist Rival #12
Pontiac GTO: Blacklist Rival #10
Porsche 911 Carrera S: Blacklist Rival #7
Porsche 911 Turbo S: Blacklist Rival #5
Porsche Carrera GT: Blacklist Rival #3
Porsche Cayman S: Blacklist Rival #10
Renault Clio V6: Blacklist Rival #13
Subaru Impreza WRX STi: Blacklist Rival #9
Toyota Supra: Blacklist Rival #13
Vauxhall Monaro VXR: Blacklist Rival #10

Make cops decepere
Press (L1:sellect:x)

by kegan buttres

YOU have to beat the career mode first. then go to quick race back at the main menu.then go to custom race.then go to speed trap.then switch the area below the race track piture to coastal.then go to the 6th race track and select it.then when the race starts you go trough to seed traps when you get to the 2nd one you slow down and a second later take A RIGHT then you should be going trough a path.then should be coing up a ramp then you should be crashing right through a bill board.from there your free to roam without cops ever finding you.



Beat moulstones
L1 r1 square triangle square

Extreme porshe carera
Body : body 1
spoiler : sport carbon : edge
rim : konig : konig theory, 20 L1 R1
hood : tri-slot
roof scoop : blastback
preformance : max, squre
paint : custom : 28
vinyl : contest winners : redblade
rim paint : 48
window tint : 31
numbers : 01
custom gauges : slipstream : needle couler red : lettering couler red : face couler red

done. go on my cars.

Blacklist races
Blacklist #15 (Sonny)-#6 (Ming) two races, Blacklist #5 (Webster)-#2 (Bull) three races, and Blacklist #1 (Razer) five races.

3 good cars
3 good cars to get are the (supra blacklist ca r)evo Vll (Any)and viper

Restarting the race the hard way
If you want to restart the race go past the starting line and the race should restart the race by itself

Infinity Cash

The best cars
The best car to start with is the cobalt until the eclipse at the middle you should try to get ming's gallardo if not get a corvette or a stock gallardo at the end try to get your hands on a mclaren or a carrera gt

Cops with nitrous ,turbo and all ultimate peofrmance and junkman pefomaces
The cops with all ultimate pefomances and all junkman parts are the corvette cops

More bounty and no more heat on your car
Turn autosave on(if it's off) then do a maximum cop probability race and after the race do the pursuit after it wait for it to save. then before going to the safe house restart your ps2. then reload the same career you were in and your bounty will say more than before the race and you will not have any more heat on your car than before the pursuit. it worked for me and I have the original most wanted(not black edition) rated T for ps2.

How to TRULY have as much bounty in the pursuit with NO HEAT ON YOUR CAR
Evade a pursuit and restart your ps2 without going to the safe house.


ps. when the other one was typed, I got mixed up with the how to skip pursuit after a maximum cop probability race, sorry about that.

Sl0w but easy win
At the start of career,buy a car and never tune it.When you use your car without tune it,other car will be slower and will n0t use nitrous.I can keep up like this till I want to beat bull and I got hundred thousands of money

Infinite nitro
L1, L1, R1, R1, Up, Up, Down, Down

Max bouty

Get 100 thousand
Beat all the mini races 2 times from blacklist number 9 to 4

For pc
for frying car

Croch rockets

Ronnies's car (closet)
First buy the Astin Martin DB9
body kits 4
spoiler tandem
rims oz #2
hoods Tri slot
roof scopes stock
performance ultimate
paint gloss #27
visuals body-body stripe 6
window tint dark blue

hint:You not see another car with a window open in this game?

MUST READ!!! the dirty little secret
The pontiac gto and the vaxall monaro are actually the exact same cars!

Need for speed most wanted

Last level................after razor
After you beat razor and get your car back and the cops are after you go to the bus station and go up the ramp NOT the one with buses the other one

Need for speed most wanted
Ram into the front side of a trailer truck with some speed and you will see it drift off the road

Warning glitch fond
All you have to do is go to costom race and circuit then go to omega 6/28 (laps 2 traffic minimum opponent 3 difficulty medium catch up on) then pick a car with front wheele drive and go to the race and you well see that your car all of a sudden it has rear wheel drive?

Nitro Never Decreases UCYV-A080-Z3P65 UEJ9-6P7Z-V4PKC
Speedbreaker Never Decreases UGAE-VVRC-DC59C UQV5-WME0-ADXC9
Infinite Cash W7CV-RUCC-88J4X 24CC-86QU-P6H0U
Max Bounty 7RUU-A9J1-TXCM7 YYNF-56JE-A76DM
Challenges Complete AVTR-JWH7-CVN0V E3NX-MFQK-8HY87 5K2W-1NYP-K8PJN 6B12-9PB0-DZFWF
All Cars/All Opponents Defeated E4NT-D9U8-3T4YT ZU31-GA8H-PZ4EZ

This unlocks a fre engine upgrade bonus marker(Found in backroom)

Making smoke in the air
If you see a jump go strait to the jump and hit your nitro and you start seeing smoke coming out of your car

Bonus cars
SL65 AMG Mercedes Benz-Unlock this car by completing event number in challenge series

Corvette C6R-unlock this car by getting 100% game completion

911 GT 2 Porsche-unlock this car by getting 68 evnts complete in challenge series.

Getting out of your car and a press of button the car car comes too you by clicking r3
Enter at title screen=up down up down o o square aquare

Pink slip help
The pink slip gives you the racers car.This is the order of pink slip hiding places
remember the hiding places are in the ? marks for random things.These are were pink slips lie

When police box ya in put nitro on and hit their quarter pannel

Getting a good car
If you want to get a good car pick the cobalt then pick the eclipse(2005)